AI and Product Design

AI and Product Design

Embrace your new creative tools

The sad truth is, as AI becomes increasingly prevalent, many designers will be left behind. The industry is rapidly changing, and those who fail to adapt will struggle to keep up.

In my 20+ year career, I’ve seen so many changes in tooling and technologies. I’ve designed in Photoshop 7, built entire websites using HTML Tables, developed Rich Internet Applications using Flash, PHP, and XML… change has always been constant. However, the rate of change today is unprecedented.

With the introduction of libraries like Bootstrap, Foundation, and others, designers are struggling to be creative and differentiate themselves from cookie-cutter design. Instead of fighting each other over design tools and styles, designers should come together and learn from one another. We need to stop competing and start collaborating. Our goal should be to master AI before it masters us.

To designers, my advice is to learn about AI and its place in the design process. Don’t ignore the trend; instead, learn to adapt and thrive in an industry where AI will play a significant role.

Designers who can only replicate designs generated by AI will soon be replaced by AI itself. It’s time for us to come together and focus on creating something truly original and innovative.

We should not fear AI; we should leverage it and use its capabilities to enhance our creativity. If you’re building a product with AI, take responsibility for teaching the next generation of designers how to adapt to this new industry landscape. Prioritize your peers.