Behind the scenes UX

Behind the scenes UX

AI Assisted UX nobody will see

Healthcare workers are no stranger to juggling multiple tasks at once – from managing patient visits to ensuring data accuracy. We’re all familiar with chatbots like ChatGPT and Claude, but with so much to do, we can’t expect clinicians to spend their valuable time chatting with a Large Language Model (LLM). Chatbots might not be helpful for healthcare workers, but AI processing tasks in the background is a game-changer.

Imagine background AI processes that could:

  • Process trial protocols and create patient log forms and study-specific questionnaires.
  • Generate IE (Inclusion / Exclusion) criteria checklists to ensure patients meet the necessary requirements for a clinical trial.
  • Create visit schedules for each patient, ensuring staff availability and minimizing deviations.
  • Identify suitable patients, while chatbots handle outreach and engagement.
  • Personalized invitations and messaging improve patient satisfaction and engagement.
  • Vision models can ingest paper forms, extracting relevant information and persisting it to a patient’s record. This means, a clinican could snap a photo of a completed patient form and the system could do the rest.

By leveraging AI behind the scenes, healthcare workers can free themselves from administrative and recruitment burdens and focus on what matters most – patient care.